Subject: routing damaged after ppp start (IRQ-sharing prob?)
To: None <>
From: Werner Hager <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/12/2000 13:11:10
I wish to use pppd to connect to my ISP with an ELSA Microlink 56k USB.
Under the NetBSD 1.5 snapshot the USB Modem is detected and even handels the local/remote IP. :-)
But if I try to ping local/remote address, Tx/Rx blinks but there is no echo. route show hangs on the ppp0 entry.
My Board is a K7V with USB shared with a DEC-Tulip card (sorry have only one unshared port)
Linux has problems with this sharing and gets no echo on the tulip, Be seems to have no probs with this.