Subject: Re: NetHack package problem
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/15/2000 15:20:49
On 15-Hei-00, David wrote:
> Was the previous install from source or binary? There might be
> a problem with the binary install...
The previous installation was source installation. But I fixed the
problem. I added myself to the games group because nethack-tty
is a setgid executable. But even this was not sufficient, because
the installation creates nethackdir read-only for group. After
I changed nethackdir writeable for group the game started fine.
But there was another bug in the installation as well: it does
not create the save file directory to nethackdir, so I had to
add this as well. After these steps the game works well.
I think these problems should be fixed: shouldn't packages be
ready to run installations? Oh, and after installation there
should be a note that players must be part of games group.
Or is it a thing that goes without saying :)
Arto Huusko
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