Subject: "low level" format of scsi hdd on sparc
To: None <>
From: Henry Nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/21/2000 13:43:09
I've got a Quantum Fireball TM1280 in a Sun 4/40 (sun4c) which I've
installed NetBSD 1.4.2/sparc on, but the disk is suspect. (You'll all
recall the post of a few days ago). I'd like to do a so-called low
level format. Slowly I'm phasing out all DOS/Windows machines on which
I've always done this kind of formating/media verification, and I'd
like to start using NetBSD to this kind of hardware-related checking, etc.
I looked at `man scsictl`, but the command "format" was not shown, only
identify, reset and reassign. I tried the command `scsictl sd1 format`
anyway on another disk that passed all the tests that Sun's format command
does, but I got a "/dev/rsd1c: SCSI command timed out" error.
TIA for advice on doing low level scsi format, especially wrt sparc, though
I'm interested in i386, too.
henry nelson