Subject: MAN formatting problem.. (please read)
To: None <>
From: Mark R. Nathan <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/22/2000 02:52:33
I have come accross this error a few times which my favorite 'Unix
System Admin' book doesn't address.
I just installed procmail and the manuals were installed:
/usr/pkg/man/ (man5, etc..)
when I do a $man procmail I get the response :
man: Formatting manual page...
/usr/bin/nroff: not found
I checked my man.conf and see where it says:
# Files typed by suffix and their commands.
# Note the order, .Z must come after .[1-9].Z, or it will match first.
_suffix .0
_build .0.Z /usr/bin/zcat %s
_build .0.gz /usr/bin/gunzip -c %s
_build .[1-9ln] /usr/bin/nroff -man %s <--- this is the one
_build .[1-9ln].Z /usr/bin/zcat %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man
_build .[1-9ln].gz /usr/bin/gunzip -c %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man
_build .tbl /usr/bin/tbl %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man
_build .tbl.Z /usr/bin/zcat %s | /usr/bin/tbl |
apparently the files inside /usr/pkg/man/man5 are all followed with a .5
(ie: access.5 canonical.5 procmailrc.5 relocated.5 transport.5 virtual.5
aliases.5 procmailex.5 procmailsc.5 sudoers.5 tw.config.5)
I would really LOVE to get in to this manual but can not until I
figure out this problem and correct it.
Thanks for your help. VERY Much appreciated!
Mark Nathan
Mark R. Nathan
Miraboo Group