Subject: Re: Keyboard issue
To: Aaron McDonnell <>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/31/2000 17:04:15
On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Aaron McDonnell wrote:
> Alright - I installed NetBSD to my test box and had a little keyboard problem.
> The install itself was beautiful, but when it was complete, I re-booted and BSD
> went through it's usual display of goodies and arrived at the "login:" prompt.
> At this point, I went to login, and noticed that the keyboard didn't work
> anymore. It seems something interfered with the controller on the way to the
> login prompt. Now, the machine hardware info is as follows:
> - AMD 5x86 CPU, 133MHz
> - 64 megs non-parody RAM
> - SMC PCI 486 mainboard, UMC chipset (built in IDE)
Yeah, I've seen this problem on two AMD 5x86/UMC chipset PCI 486
motherboards so far... the problem is that the PS/2 mouse probe locks up
the keyboard controller on those motherboards. If you can compile a
kernel without the PS/2 mouse (no pms or pmsi devices), that should take
care of the problem. Also, someone (I forget who) posted a patch to one
of the mailing lists which might let the PS/2 probe work on those
machines. However, the author of the patch doesn't have a machine to
test it on, so if you're interested in trying it out, let me know and
I'll look it up for you.
Also, if you can't compile your own kernel, I could compile one for
Name: Dave Huang | Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet: | they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan | dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 24 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++