Subject: Problems reassembling split sets
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List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/31/2000 23:33:48
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I hate having to post to the list again, but I'm having a problem with the split sets that I can't find any info about.
There are a couple of distribution split sets I didn't get to fit onto floppy during the installation of NetBSD and now I'm trying to reassemble them. I have used the command "cat set_name.xx | gunzip | (cd /; tar xpf - ) where set_name = the distribution set I'm trying to install, but when I try this command, I get the following complaints (or something along these lines; I'm on a different computer at the moment):
gunzip=stdout=unexpected EOF
tar=unexpected EOF
I have also tried the command on different sets, but gunzip reports the set is not a valid .gz file (this is pretty obvious). Is this a "ghost in the machine" or are there more special parameters I need to set on the above reassembly command? I have tried various flags/options on both NetBSD and Linux, but with no success.
At the moment, I'm doing everything possible to keep from having to do a reinstall, but thanks in advance for your patience and for any help given.
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