Subject: 'no /dev/console'
To: None <>
From: Peter Kozberski <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/21/2000 12:20:10
I'm using a Compaq Presario to host NetBSD on a second hd, hd1
with Win98 on hd0. I'm not sure whether this machine is a good
choice and have had some problems installing NetBSD to wd0 and
added a second hd. Now that I'm using wd1 I am more successful
and almost reach the system prompt. But I keep getting an error:
no /dev/console. The error is new to me, BSD is new to me and
the Compaq is also new. What could be causing this and what can
I do to avoid it?
-- _ _ * _ Peter Kozberski
(_)| | (_| On*Q Computer Projects
| PO Box 311 Welland, South Australia 5007 Ph: +61-(0)8-8347-0113