Subject: Sendmail unqualifed hostname complaints
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/27/2000 13:30:43
I'm running three computers at my home. One of them is NetBSD machine
really connected through Ethernet to the Internet. The others usually
run Windows and AmigaOS and the NetBSD server takes care of IP-NAT
for them.
Occasionally though all three machines are running NetBSD and the
two without real Internet addresses and names have some trouble with
sendmail. rc.conf says that SENDMAIL=no but still I get on startup
message along the line:
sendmail: my unqualifed hostname 'lady' ...babble babble... waiting
for <something>...
And I have to Ctrl-C out of it. At times these messages pop up to
the console, as well.
So how can I get rid of the problem. The other machine is 1.4.2/amiga
and the other 1.5_ALPHA/i386. (The server is 1.4.2; incidentally,
when is 1.5 scheduled for release?)
Arto Huusko
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