Subject: NetBSD 1.4.2/sparc won't compile Python w/thread support from ports collection
To: None <>
From: Devin L. Ganger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/31/2000 01:55:08
Can anyone provide some pointers to information on getting Python 1.5.2
compiled with thread support (I honestly do not care, at this point,
which thread library as used) on NetBSD 1.4.2/sparc, from the ports
collection? I've check all the usual suspects -- the Python web site,
the NetBSD website and bug database, Deja -- with no results. (Found
lots of people asking the same question, but no answers.)
I'd really love to get Zope up and running so that I can actually start
some development on a prototype site I'm supposed to be working on.
Am I better off compiling the pieces on my own, or should I cut my
losses, wipe NetBSD, and install Solaris 2.5.1 (since I'm running on a
Sparc 4/600)?
Thanks in advance.
Devin L. Ganger <>
"N race conditions on the wall, N race conditions. You take one down,
pass it around, and wait. And wait some more." -- Bytor in #tribes