Subject: tcpdump en0 ENI-155P MF PCI adapter
To: None <>
From: Ishtiaq Ahmed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/11/2000 11:46:13
NetBSD-1.4.2 supports ENI-155p MF PCI adapter for i386.
I would like to dump packets leaving and coming to en0 using tpdump program.
en0 is configured , up and working fine in the local ATM network setup.
But when I want to use tcpdump program to dump the packets, system says that
en0 is not configured. Any solution please?
Secondly, if NetBSD does not support dumping en0 then is there any other ATM
PCI adapter with MF (Multimode Fiber) being supported by NetBSD-1.3.2 or
1.4.2 or 1.5_ALPHA2 etc?