Subject: Re: PCMICIA Heaven or is it Hell
To: John Maier <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/01/2000 18:25:05
On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, John Maier wrote:
> After nearly 10 years of using NetBSD, I finally put NetBSD (1.4.2i386) on a
> laptop with great results!
> There always has to be a glitch :-)
> 1st, I have a 3COM Megahertz 10/100 LAN CardBus PC Card (Model 3CXFE575BT)
> which when inserted give a ready never happened, status = 0c, nothing.
CardBus is not supported in 1.4.2. The Good News is, I think that's
the same card I have, which I used Monday to install netbsd-1-5 onto a
DEC Hi-Note VP. I had to update the release source and build my own
snapshot, because the "bootlap" installation floppies on
NetBSD-1.5_BETA weren't configured for CardBus, but they will be in