Subject: Re: I have problems installing the PostgreSQL package
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lasse_Hiller=F8e_Petersen?= <>
From: Nigel Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/16/2000 10:06:45
What platform are you installing on and do you have the latest
postgresql package? I'm using i386/ALPHA_2 here and just installed
PosgreSQL 7.0.2 from the package system without any problem.
Try doing a make clean or make distclean in the
/usr/pkgsrc/databases/postgresql directory and run make again and
check for any errors, also check the make install process for
errors too.
Finally, you did it it as root, right?
On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 04:15:05PM +0100, Lasse Hillerĝe Petersen wrote:
> Help! I am having problems installing the PostgreSQL package.
> For some reason it will not initialize the database. It also doesn't create
> the pgsql user; I have tried adding this user manually (by copying the line
> of the ingres user and changing the home and shell), to no avail. The
> database root is not made, and thus the postmaster will not start.
> I am not yet too well-versed in the NetBSD pkg-system, so I have just tried
> the usual make; make install in the /usr/pkgsrc/databases/postgresql
> directory. I just want a plain default installation.
> It is possible that I just need to set some option somewhere, but a hint
> would help me along. Let me know if there is a more appropriate list than
> netbsd-help.
> -Lasse