Subject: Re: xmms/mit-pthreads
To: Nigel Reed <>
From: Christoph Leuzinger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/27/2000 21:21:45
Am 27 Nov 2000, um 13:59 hat Nigel Reed geschrieben:
> Does configure ask for the location of libraries and header files?
> The .h files are in /usr/pkg/pthreads/include and the libraries
> are in /usr/pkg/pthreads/lib
OK, so far, so good :)
> There maybe an option to configure which allows you to include these
> before it runs - try configure --help
I had a look at this, but couldn't find any pthread option. I tried
configure --includedir=/usr/pkg/pthreads/include
instead, but won't work neither.
> Failing all that, you'll probably find somewhere to add -I and -L
> options in the Makefile.
Unfortunately, there is no Makefile (it has to be generated by configure,
I guess). There is only and In I find
a variable called PTHREAD_LIBS, but because of the fact that I don't have
any Makefile, I can't modify and use it ...
As you might have noticed, I don't have lots of experience in compiling
stuff ;)
Thanx and greets,
Christoph F. Leuzinger + Student @ Kantonsschule + Schaffhausen, Switzerland
ICQ# 20603375 +