Subject: Re: Suggestions for installing the most recent version of NetBSD on
To: Gregg C Levine <>
From: Claude Marinier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/11/2000 08:49:38
I installed NetBSD on a NEC Versa 4050H, a Pentium 90 MHz with 40 MB of
memory. I do not have a CD-ROM reader and, at the time, I did not have an
Ethernet card. I created a 200 MB partition, installed MS DOS 6.2,
installed Kermit 3.14 (the real one from Columbia University), borrowed a
null-modem serial cable, connected to the serial port of another NetBSD
system, transfered the NetBSD distribution files to a sub-directory, and
installed NetBSD using the option 'from mounted partition'. The trick was
to mount the DOS partition before getting to the relevant question. I
interrupted the install script with ^Z and resumed with 'fg'.
NetBSD runs well on the laptop. I now have an Ethernet card and use the
system for network trouble shooting.
I hope this helps.
On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Gregg C Levine wrote:
> Hello from Gregg C Levine normally with Jedi Knight Computers
> I have just acquired a Dell Lattitude XP Laptop. It does not have a CD drive,
> although this model has been sold wearing one. It does a have PC card based
> modem. Any suggestions for installing NetBSD on it? For example exactly how
> much memory is considered optimum?
Claude Marinier, Information Technology Group
Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) (613) 998-4901 FAX 998-2675
3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Z4