Subject: Re: how similar is netbsd to other unix clones
To: JD, Venugopal (CORP, CIM, OMC) <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/27/2000 21:25:51
> I am a newbie and would like to know how similar is NETBSD to other unix
> like OSes as some of my friends who are working on solaris say that there is
> a lot of difference in the command syntax of the two for example in solaris
> to add a package the command used is pkgadd whereas for netbsd it is
> pkg_add.Similarly for telnet the root account can login to the telnet
> session in solaris whereas for netbsd the root cannot login.
> This is not to start an OS flame -:)
In NetBSD, nobody can telnet to you unless you enable telnet. You enable
telnet by editing /etc/inetd.conf and reloading inetd (possibly by sending
it the HUP signal). If you want root to be able to log in using telnet,
you need to vi /etc/ttys and :%s/network/network secure/ These kind of
details can usually be configured on any Unix-like OS. The differences
lie in what the defaults are and how you configure the details.
It would be interesting to say that the biggest differences between NetBSD
and Solaris are the motivations of the people involved: Money, hack
appeal, research, liberty.
What do you think?