Subject: Re: Network Cards Support
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/28/2000 13:20:15
In message <000801c07101$e2a739d0$>, "David O'Neil" writes:
>3Com Etherlink 10/100 PCI for Complete PC Management NIC (3C905C-TX)
>Is this supported.=20
Probably. 3Com sometimes introduces new cards without warning.
>Secondly you state that=20
>a.. 3Com 3c90x[BC] (ex)=20
>b.. 3Com 3c59x (ep)=20
>are supported. What is the (ex) or (ep) supposed to mean.=20
That's the name of the driver used. Thus, the first 3C905 probed will
be "ex0", the second "ex1".
>Based on these two supported what does the x mean given that there are =
>several numbers and letters missing in this description.=20
The theory is that 3c90x means "almost everything starting with 3c90..."
Note that it supports the 905B and 905C. In theory; 3Com isn't as good as
I'd like about changing model names when they rework a card.