Subject: Re: Mail relaying
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/29/2000 00:47:52
>> We are being used as a mail relay on our V1.4.1/i386 internet server. I have compiled and installed sendmail 8.9.3
>> which I think will allow us to shutdown mail relaying. We use the default file that came iwth V1.4.1. Can
>> someone send me a file that will have relaying disabled ? We currently support 3 domains on our server
>> so I usually just edit the "Cw" line and other than that it is the standard file that came with V1.4.1. The syntax in
>> that file is really ugly and I don't have the cycles at the moment to read the sendmail book.
>You can just get the wich ships with NetBSD 1.5. It's in

that won't completely work.  8.8.8 (from 1.4.1) uses a V7 config file,
whereas 8.9.3 (which he built) uses a V8 file.  1.5 includes sendmail
8.11.0 which is a V9 file.  sendmail will complain at the very least.
it might even refuse to run.

scott, you would probably be better off copying the
file from /usr/share/sendmail/cf/ into the cf/cf
directory in your 8.9.3 tree, cd-ing there, editing it to remove the
line that says "You may want to add an OSTYPE macro...", and then
typing "make".  that ought to do the trick.

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."