Subject: Re: Way of figuring out video card identity from command line?
To: Tom A. Hawk <>
From: Nigel Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/30/2000 22:40:11
Take the screws out of the back of the machine, take the cover off, take
the screw out of the video card, pull it out and look. That'll tell you
what it is.
Failing that, booting from a NetBSD generic kernel will probably give
you some useful information.
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 09:00:46PM -0500, Tom A. Hawk wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a hand-me-down 6x86 clone. It did not have an operating system installed, and comes with no hardware documentation. I get a little information during the attempted boot, and the BIOS is still intact. How can I found out the types of hardware which are installed in it (video card, etc.)? The BIOS seems to indicate slots as being ISA, and gives IRQ's. I have been able to install Linux-Mandrake on it and get to a command line, but the video card does not seem to be found (although it is there, as at one time in the past it ran Windows 95). I was thinking of installing NetBSD, noted the page for supported hardware for the i386 platform, and thought you might know a way of discovering the identity of the video card being used.
> Thanks for your help.
> Eric Hawk