Subject: Re: xterm, screen size, and SMART
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Claude Marinier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2001 13:38:42
On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Claude Marinier wrote:
> > When I run pine locally on the workstation, it fills just over half the
> > window (looks like 24 rows). The output from `echo $TERM` is 'xterm'.
> > Other programs (vim, less) behave the same way, i.e. they use 40 rows
> > through ssh on the server and 24 locally.
> Sometimes the environment variables LINES (and COLUMNS) are set.
> Pine is probably using this information.
Both LINES and COLUMNS strings are in the pine executable.
> On my NetBSD box, the console is 25 lines.
> When I open an rxvt (or xterm) window it defaults to 24 lines, but if I
> make it bigger then the xterm changes this variable.
When I first start a new Konsole, LINES and COLUMNS are not defined. After
I start bash, they are defined but set to 24 lines (the window is larger).
When I first change the size (Options, Size), none of the sizes listed has
a check mark. If I then set select '80x40 (xterm), LINES does not change.
But when I select vt100 and back to xterm, it does change. From then on,
all is well.
No, setting LINES=38 by hand did not work.
By the way, why is it 38 and not 40 (or 22 instead of 24)?
This is a 'workaround' but not nice. Yes, I have tried using the Options,
Save options feature; though it has the right size when it starts, there
is no check mark. The only change in .kde/share/config/konsolerc is the
Claude Marinier, Information Technology Group
Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) (613) 998-4901 FAX 998-2675
3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Z4