Subject: Requesting info about ntp-4.0 audio clock drivers - jrt
To: <>
From: John Turnbull <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/03/2001 10:20:36
I am attempting to set up a stratum 1 ntp server using the CHU Canada
time signal as a reference clock. Has anybody successfully compiled and
tested the ntp audio reference clock drivers either on a i386 or a
The newest version of NTP has some neat drivers that should make this
dead simple. The 'Radio CHU Audio Demodulator/Decoder' is designed to
allow you to simply connect the headphone output from a short wave radio
to the line in on a sound card and the driver will generate a
pulse-per-second signal, to condition the system clock, and extracts the
time code from the signal to set the clock. Depending on your location
(and I am 11 KM - 37 uS - from the transmitter in Ottawa ON.), the
driver will set, and maintain, the system clock to 10s of microseconds
of the 'kerect time'!
The problem is that the drivers were developed on a sparc running
solaris and are optimized for the sun sound system. Some of the traffic
on the NG comp.protocols.time.ntp hints that people are having
success on NetBSD machines (probably sparcs, but possibly i386) and not
linux on any platform.
I would really like to hear success stores, but also any notes from
people who have tried and failed. What did you try and how did it fail.
At this point, I should offer to do the port, but since I don't program
for beans, the result would be a long time coming, and no good when it
arrived. But if we can compile some war stories, perhaps some talented
sole will get some bright idea of what is broken and just fix it.
Thank you all in advance. John T