Subject: diskless client hangs during boot after fsck
To: None <>
From: Ingolf Steinbach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/17/2001 18:40:05

after the fsck is run during boot, my diskless machine (1.5)
prints out "mount_nfs: rpcbind on server: RPC: Unable to send"
and hangs. This is probably during /etc/rc.d/root. Just before
the message, I see (tcpdump on the server) lots of fragmented
nfs datagrams from the server to the client (the other direction
has no fragmented datagrams).

The client port is #3946496519. I don't know if this is ok.

If I just hit ^C, the client happily continues booting and
nfs mounts the root directory r/w later.

Could it be that in this case, /etc/rc.d/root should be run
after setting up the network? Should I tweak NFS_BOOT_RWSIZE?
Any other suggestions?


Ingolf Steinbach        Balin@IRCnet         ICQ#60829470
PGP: 0x7B3B5661  213C 828E 0C92 16B5  05D0 4D5B A324 EC04