Subject: Re: i386 upgrade w/o floppy
To: Webmaster Jim <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/04/2001 23:05:15
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Webmaster Jim wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 10:35:37AM -0500, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > Have you tried a different keyboard? It's worth a shot.
> Yes, I did. Same result.
> > Can you boot to single-user? Try catching the "boot>" prompt by
> > hitting the spacebar, then type "boot wd0a:netbsd -s". Right after it
> > boots, type "fsck -p", before "swapctl -A; mount -a". Then you can
> > either set the terminal type with "eval `tset -s wsvt25`" or get your
> > normal root environment (csh) with "su -l".
> I don't quite understand the timing of the above ("after it boots ...
> before" -- before what?). I can type anything on the keyboard when I
> hit spacebar during the startup, so the keyboard seems mechanically
> sound. I just tried the "boot... -s" and the keyboard freezes after
> the message "Enter pathname RETURN for sh".
Sorry, that wasn't very clear. I should have said, type
fsck -p
swapctl -A
mount -a
eval `tset -s wsvt25`
but it's all academic, if it hangs at the shell.
> > > What are my options? Can I build a kernel with a different console?
That might be worth a try. In the kernel config, uncomment the line
that starts with "pc0...", and comment out all the wscons stuff, below it.