Subject: Re: i386 upgrade w/o floppy
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Webmaster Jim <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/09/2001 13:25:04
[returning netbsd-help to cc: after several iterations]
On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 08:03:30AM -0500, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > > > > That might be worth a try. In the kernel config, uncomment the line
> > > > > that starts with "pc0...", and comment out all the wscons stuff, below it.
> > When I get a chance, I'll send a diff, or upload it somewhere. There was
> > a lot more to be commented out, including a pseudo-driver at the end
> > of the kernel file.
> The INSTALL_TINY kernel uses the pccons console too.
Thanks, Frederick, for all your help and info tidbits!
> > > You're almost there! "/etc/ttys" is still trying to start a getty on
> > > "ttyE0", which hooks into the wrong (wscons) console device. You should be
> > > running the getty on "ttyv0" for pccons. The magic "console" device should
> > > also work (serial, too). So, just comment out all the lines for ttyE*, and
> > > change "off" to "on" on the ^console line of that file.
> > OK, That worked! Thanks a bunch. Now, to wait for Monday to try this
> > in the orphan at work. This should motivate me to start whining for a
> > better hand-me-down. You realize this is a skunk project so I can have
> > an X workstation instead of NT at my desk? :-)
> Cool! I've got two 486's and one monitor sitting next to my laptop.
> The screensavers are VERY impressive to bystanders.
I'm typing this on the subject machine now, so the darn thing is
working great with 1.5! I have been shuffling the 2 pkg CDs back and
forth installing anything that I'm used to having. The one glitch in
starting X was that the SVGA driver showed vertical bars instead of
characters in xterms and other windows. I changed to the S3 and it's
okay now. Don't know why the general one didn't work (don't care too
much now, either ;-)
Need to build a package for xchrono...
> > > As to why you can't run wscons on this machine, that's clearly a bug in
> > > wscons. I seem to remember someone else on a mailing list having a similar
> > > complaint (no wscons on his particular old i386 machine), but I don't
> > > recall the details. I searched the open PR's and didn't see anything.
> > I guess I should file the PR, then. What should I include (MB mfr,
> > chip sets, etc.?
> Beats me. The contents of "/var/run/dmesg.boot", at least. I'm sure if
> someone picks it up (one day...), he'll ask for anything else he wants.
Yes, must file the PR one day...
Marvin the Paranoid Android says:
I'm not getting you down am I?