Subject: Re: festival (voice synth. package)
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/26/2001 20:10:19
> > I've installed the aec voice; if I then remove us1, festival complains
> > that it can't find a default voice (even though there _is_ a voice---aec).
> > If I install both voices and select aec, it works. (Well, kind of.
> > There's a tendancy for the voice to trip over itself and repeat segments,
> > if it's saying anything long. E.g., it has real trouble getting through
> > the Scheme statement (intro) without trouble.)
> I got us1 to work. You can invoke "festival" with "-q" if the default
So did Launey Thomas (from private email). When did you last update your
pkgsrc, and did you build mbrola from pkgsrc as well?
I just resupped the other day, and rebuilt mbrola (along with festival &
us1), as well as nas, since then.
> voice is missing, or you can set the default voice by adding, for
> example `(set! voice_default 'voice_us1_mbrola)' to ~/.festivalrc.
(nod) voice_aec_diphone is my current default. I'm going to try some of
the other mbrola voices and see if the FPE in mbrola happens with them,
too, or if it's only the way that us1 uses mbrola. (voice_us2_mbrola also
causes an mbrola FPE...)
> It is kind of complicated to set up. If you have festival-doc
> installed to the usual place, the user guide is at
Maybe I didn't do enough in setting it up. As I read the info pages, it
looks like most of the configuration is done at compile-time. The default
behavior seemed to be set up ``mostly sanely'', so I didn't fiddle much
with that. I'll see if it might be fixed by festival configuration,
Thanks for the suggestion.
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."