Subject: Re: find question
To: None <>
From: Georges Heinesch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/03/2001 00:29:19
Quoting Frederick Bruckman (01-Jun-01 14:10:37):
> On 1 Jun 2001, Georges Heinesch wrote:
>> Quoting Frederick Bruckman (31-May-01 01:17:48):
>> > You were searching the device and not the mounted file-system?
>> Couold you please explain this.
> You posted this...
Well ...
You said: "You were searching the device and not the mounted
I asked: "Could you please explain this?"
What's the problem?
>> Example:
>> find /mnt/cd0 -name syssrc.tgz
>> This doesn't find syssrc.tgz. However it's on the CD.
> However, that's not much of an example, as there's no result.
That's the point. There should be a result.
> The
> other posters that tried to help you pasted exactly what they typed,
> beginning with "mount", and exactly what came back. You never
> followed their example, but just said "Oh, it works now".
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From Tue, 29 May 2001 06:29:34 -0700
To: "Georges Heinesch" <>
Subject: Re: find question
Date: 29 May 2001 13:29:34 GMT
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He showed an example where it worked for him.
I didn't have anything to add (why should I?).
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From Tue, 29 May 2001 09:34:02 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
From: "Jon Lindgren" <>
To: "Georges Heinesch" <>
Subject: Re: find question
Date: 29 May 2001 13:34:02 GMT
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I tested and replied.
> So
> frankly, I'm thinking pilot error: maybe you there never was a CD
> mounted on
> /mnt/cd0, or maybe you typed "find /dev/cd0a ..."?
Come on ... other CDs worked fine!
> Whatever it was,
> I'm sure you'll figure it out, in time.
I got the answer now via e-mail (from Wolfgang Solfrank).
An empty (newly created directory) in NetBSD has a linkcount of 2. If
it's filled, it's +2. The iso 9660 standard usually burns CD with a
linkcount of 1.
find sees 2 (with my CD, creating the problem) and stops searching
since 2 means an empty directory. If !=2 is found, the recursive
routine inside find starts.
Here what ls -ld /mnt/cd0 says with the CD in question inserted and
# cd /mnt/CD0
# ls -ld
# drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 2048 Mar 1 14:23 .
Here a properly mastered iso 9660 CD.
# cd /mnt/CD0
# ls -ld
# dr-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 2048 Sep 15 2000 .
That's te reason ...
Cu Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
PGP RSA & DH/DSS public key on request and on public servers
... niammi niammi in my Tammi ...