Subject: Re: Problems with GDM
To: None <>
From: Matt Herzog <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/12/2001 15:12:17
Hello Mr Huusko.
There was a bug in our gdm for a while. For about a month
I was only able to start gdm from the command line- never
from boot. Since I ran the Red Carpet update about midweek
last, it's been running from boot.
Please update from RedCarpet in "small bites." It just works
better that way.
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 08:01:41PM +0200, Arto Huusko wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been trying to get GDM running on my system; I don't
> really need it, but it'd be better than needing to run startx
> each time I log in.
> What I get with GDM is quite strange, and actually I got similar
> problems with xdm. GDM starts up fine, and I get to the login
> screen. But the login window is quite wrong: first of all, I don't
> see the dude in horns and trident in the logo box, instead it is
> empty. No face images appear on the face browser (I enabled it).
> Text renders nicely to menu bar and I see the welcome label.
> But once I start writing my login name to the edit box, I only
> see a series of vertical bars for each character I type; the
> same goes for the password. And if I browse the menus, they
> first render to the screen, but when I exit the menu or browse
> another menu, the previous menu stays still rendered on the
> screen (i.e. the menu is not closed although I exit it).
> Well, I still can log in. But once GNOME starts up the same
> problems continue: no images are rendered at all, nowhere. Text
> apparaently renders nicely to the menus. But I haven't tried
> examining further there, instead I just quit GNOME and killed
> gdm.
> Using gnome via startx works without trouble.
> Also, I get no error messages from GDM on console (or from
> any other GNOME/GTK component).
> I did not do any further configuration of GDM, just pkg_add gdm
> and the ran gdm as root from console. I had then change the
> permissions in one of the start up scripts to be executable
> by all, but that was that.
> I am using GDM 2.2.0 (2.0.whatever had the same problems),
> GNOME 1.4 and GTK+ 1.2.10 etc.
> Oh, yeah, the xdm side of the things: I did not configure xdm
> either, just ran it from console. I saw the login screen and
> entered my stuff (the text rendered here good, BTW). The thing
> started up (some default?) twm session. When I clicked left mouse
> button on the root window twm menu opened: but all I saw were the
> borders of the menu. No nice green filling with the menu item
> texts was seen. Once I dragged mouse over the menu it rendered
> each item "on demand".
> So, what is wrong with X renderings on the system?
> --
> Arto Huusko -- WWW:
> ** Divecalc **
> The Diving Software @
Matthew Herzog Tech Support Chimp, Inc.