Subject: Re: ftpd - allow upload entire directory ?
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/12/2001 17:40:23
>> Well, this is *the* way you describe that does not work :
>> trying to upload directories from a windows machine to my netbsd ftpd
>> does not work (single files works). So I was wondering if it is a ftpd
>> feature to activate or a bug in the windows client...
>OK. I have found my error !
>it was all in the /etc/ftpd.conf
>first, I removed the line
> modify guest off
i was about to suggest that we ship a short version of ftpd.conf that
simply contains all the defaults commented out, when i realized that
without one, i can upload files to my ftp server when logged in as
bug? misunderstanding?
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