Subject: Re: i386 install problem --- set files
To: David Friggens <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/22/2001 11:46:18
According to David Friggens:
>. I'm now thinking that it doesn't mean
>using RaWrite (that's only for the boot disks).
Your thinking is correct. You should only rawrite the boot disks, the
other set disks are expected just to be formatted msdos floppies.
> But the .tgz files are too
>big for floppies to be directly copied.
There are supposed to be some split up files that are in floppy sized
chunks, I dont seem to be able to find those for 1.5 at the moment!
No wonder you are confused.
>so presumably I can't access the partition until I've finished the install
>(kinda chicken and egg, eh?).
mount -t msdos /dev/wd0e /mnt
>Q: Which files are supposed to be on the disk and how do I get them
they are named something like comp.aa, comp.ab and so forth. I think
that the split files have not been generated for 1.5 because there is
not much demand for floppy loads these days.
>Q: How can I (easily and painlessly, if possible) access the sets in the
>DOS partition?
Try the above mount command.
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, BAE SYSTEMS