Subject: Re: Can't access aliased IPs on same box
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Paul Hoffman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/25/2001 09:13:03
At 1:58 AM -0500 6/25/01, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > How can I access my aliased IP addresses from this box?
>You could add explicit routes through "localhost",
> route add -host a.b.c.40 localhost -interface
> route add -host a.b.c.41 localhost -interface
I could, but should I? That is, why don't the alias commands in my
/etc/ifconfig.fxp0 file do this correctly?
On a related note, I got an off-list suggestion to instead use the
/etc/ifaliases file, and this will work correctly (where aliases in
/etc/ifconfig.fxp0 do not). Is that the recommended way of doing
multihomed aliases?
--Paul Hoffman