Subject: ISDN problems with MetBSD 1.5W
To: None <>
From: Michael Neumann <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/28/2001 10:17:19
When I try to start the ISDN daemon (isdnd) I get an error message,
which I do not really understand.
isdnd: ERROR fetching active PPP authentication info for isp0 at line 101!
isdnd: there were 1 error(s) in the configuration file, terminating!
Line 101 in /etc/isdn/isdnd.rc is "ppp-send-password = MyPassword"
Then I tried to get it working without specifying the ppp- params in
isdnd.rc, but then I need ispppcontrol, but this do not work, when I
call it with isp0 as parameter.
Thanks in advance.
Michael Neumann
uname -a
NetBSD work.neumann.all 1.5W NetBSD 1.5W (GENERIC_ISDN) #0: Thu Jun 28 00:51:28 CEST 2001 root@work.neumann.all:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC_ISDN i386
isic1 at pci0 dev 11 function 0: Fritz!Card
isic1: interrupting at irq 10
isic1: ISAC 2085 Version A1/A2 or 2086/2186 Version 1.1 (IOM-2)
BRI 0 at isic1: some isic card
i4b: ISDN call control device attached
i4btrc: 2 ISDN trace device(s) attached
i4bctl: ISDN system control port attached
i4brbch: 4 raw B channel access device(s) attached
i4btel: 2 ISDN telephony interface device(s) attached
i4bipr: 2 IP over raw HDLC ISDN device(s) attached (VJ header compression)
i4bisppp: 2 ISDN SyncPPP device(s) attached
# SYSTEM section: isdnd global configuration parameters
# accounting
# ----------
acctall = on # generate info for everything
acctfile = /var/log/isdnd.acct # name & location of accounting file
useacctfile = yes # generate accouting info to file
# monitor
# -------
monitor-allowed = yes # global switch: monitor on/off
monitor-port = 451 # default monitor TCP port
monitor = "/var/run/isdn-monitor"
monitor-access = fullcmd
monitor-access = channelstate, logevents
monitor-access = callin, callout
# ratesfile
# ---------
ratesfile = /etc/isdn/isdnd.rates # name & location of rates file
# regular expression pattern matching
# -----------------------------------
#regexpr = "connected.*KTS" # look for matches in log messages
#regprog = connectKTS # execute program when match is found
# realtime priority section
# -------------------------
rtprio = 25 # modify isdnd's process priority
beepconnect = on
# entry section: sync PPP example using the isp device
name = I4BPPP # name for reference
usrdevicename = isp # ipr, tel, rbch
usrdeviceunit = 0 # unit number
isdncontroller = 0 # controller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel to use or -1 to use any
direction = out
# numbers used to DIAL OUT
local-phone-incoming = *
remote-phone-incoming = 1234
remote-phone-dialout = 4321 # remote number to dial
local-phone-dialout = 1234 # our number to tell remote
# used next on dial fail or retry:
remdial-handling = first # first, last or next
# what happenes if someone dials in:
dialin-reaction = reject # accept, reject, ignore, answer, callback
# normal dialout or do i call back:
dialout-type = normal # normal / calledback
# type of protocol on the B-channel:
# hdlc must be specified for IP (the
# ipr and isp drivers), raw must be
# specified for telephone answering
b1protocol = hdlc # hdlc, raw
idletime-incoming = 240 # incoming call idle timeout
idletime-outgoing = 30 # outgoing call idle timeout
ratetype = 0 # city rate
unitlength = 90 # default unit length
unitlengthsrc = rate # none, rate, cmdl, conf, aocd
dialretries = 3 # no of retries
dialrandincr = on # increase time between dials
recoverytime = 20 # wait between dails
usedown = off # do not use soft up/down
downtries = 2
downtime = 30
ppp-auth-paranoid = no
ppp-send-auth = chap
ppp-send-name = ""
ppp-send-password = MyPassword