Subject: Re: How to Multi boot window2000 & NetBSD
To: Matt Johnson <>
From: Bernd Limbach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/29/2001 06:43:48
> I am facing a similar problem. The NetBSD boot selector which I tried to
> install with the installer did not work.
I just installed the NetBSD boot selector yesterday, but with one disk
(wd0). Works really great, even that NetBSD is installed behind 1024
cylinders (@12GB).
> now boot NT (which is on the first disk). However I can only boot NetBSD
> (which is on the second disk) with a diskette. I would like to be able to
> boot NetBSD from a boot loader, such as OSBS. Any suggestions?
I remember something using F5 or F6 to boot from a second drive? I think
someone mentioned this here, but I am not sure about this.
Have a look at xfdisk, which has a nice
bootselector which should be able to boot from the second hard disc. I used
the 0.93alpha version, which was running like a charm, definetly no
MfG, Best regards, Tchau!
GP, BP, YIS Bernd &