Subject: Help with sendmail acts as open relay
To: None <>
From: Paul Newhouse <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/02/2001 08:24:09
I'm planning n upgrading my firewall (sooner than expected it appears).
I'm running:
NetBSD bigbox 1.4ZD NetBSD 1.4ZD (BIGBOX) #3: Thu Jun 22 17:34:38 PDT 2000
and the sendmail that built with that seems to act as an open relay by default.
Mail sent to:
<name>[!%]<dest addr>
seems to get forwarded without question. I didn't realize that sendmail
defaulted to relay=yes by default (or I enabled it without realizing it).
I changed the rules to allow "%" and "!" to be part of user names and it
seems to nolonger relay mail, but now I get a ton of unknown user messages
to postmaster (which is better than relaying them ... I think?).
Any suggestions how I can more correctly fix this (before the upgrade which
I can't really get to before this weekend) would be appreciated (short of
not running a mail handler ... which is an option until I fix this).
Does sendmail in 1.5.x do relaying by default? If so, how do I disable that.
Can I enable relay for internal machines (behind the firewall) only?