Subject: Re: ppp prob
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/12/2001 18:34:32
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 08:08:05PM +0100, Patrick Welche wrote:
> An ISP seems to have changed its response from:
> ^M
> ^M
> Aptis CVX-1800.^M
> (which I could cope with) to:
> CONNECT 45333/ARQ^M^\@^\@^N^?^\G`G^@^\^\^N^@~ppp^NG^\@^N^@^\^@^\G`^\`G`~^\G`^?^?^\G^@^?^\^\^\^\^\^?^@^N^\|^\^N^\^\`^\`^\
> Have any of you seen this? What do those control characters and the ppp
> mean? (I tried starting the connection after the "ARQ" but end up sending
> LCP ConfReqs without receiving any replies) (I have emailed the ISP but
> don't expect a response..)
Hi Patrick,
Here's a guess: your ISP has changed from a plaintext login (username and
password in your chat script) to pap/chap login. Everything after "ARQ" looks
like PPP to me.
Tell chat to stop looking for anything after "ARQ".
Tell pppd in your options file about your login.
Set up pap-secrets and chap-secrets in /etc/ppp.
You'll find the Handbook is pretty clear, I think.