Subject: Re: can't 'ls' or 'get' from or almost all mirrors
To: None <>
From: Henry Nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/13/2001 12:18:14
> to elaborate, are you also possibly behind a nat machine that can't handle
> active ftp connections (if so, try a passive transfer)?
I am using passive transfer. I have tried three different clients: Solaris,
NetBSD1.4.2 and WS32FTP, all the same.
> > On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 07:41:19PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> >> I'm trying to download 1.5.1, but all I get is: "425 Can't build data
> >> connection: Connection refused." No problem doing 'cd' or 'binary'. I
> >> have found one mirror out of 6 that will let me download. What gives?
The opening menu of this mirror is quit different (Version wu-2.6.0) from
the others, suggesting that it is a different server. Also, other downloads
I've done recently have all worked, e.g., just two days ago from ibm and
> > Maybe you have a filewall that blocks incoming connections ?
I am behind a firewall (no control over that), but why only
and most of its mirrors (in Japan)?
henry nelson