Subject: Re: Name of 1.5.1
To: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
From: Eric Fox <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/27/2001 06:30:38
What do you get when you enter 'uname -a' ?
/\---/\ Eric J Fox
/ o o \
\.\ /./ ---------------------------
\@/ "Of course it runs NetBSD."
"Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D." wrote:
> I have installed the sources for 1.5.1, substituted them for the
> corresponding ones of 1.5, and compiled a system. When I boot this
> system, all is well. However, the verbiage that responds to my
> logging on calls the system 1.5. Specifically, it says:
> NetBSD 1.5 (NETBSD151_SBC) #0: followed by the date & time
> NETBSD151_SB is the name of my new 1.5.1 system.
> 1) Have I in fact created a 1.5.1 system?
> 2) Where is the "NetBSD 1.5" of the message specified - I couldn't
> nind it in the .profile, .login, or .cshrc files.
> Thanks,
> Dan Killoran