Subject: mail from root at boot
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/29/2001 20:11:07
Howdy All, that I have a fully qualified domain name, 
three new things happen.

1. The warnings of core dumps at boot time no longer 

I have no question on this, I merely note it's 


2. I get the following message from time to time...

syslogd: /var/log/daemon-debug: No such file or  

So my 2nd question is: What do I do about that? Create a 
directory? Touch a filename?


3. I get mail at each reboot.This mail informes me 

Message 1:
From daemon...
From: root (Vi recovery program)
To: myusername
Subject: Vi saved the file inetd.conf

On Tue Jul 10 10:14:10 2001, the user myusername was 
editing a file named inetd.conf on the machine , when it 
was saved for recovery. You can recover most, if not all, 
of the changes to this file using the -r option to ex or 

        vi -r  inetd.conf

...and some few other messages of similar content. The 
number of emails from root are about (perhaps exactly) 
equal to the core dump warnings that have stopped 
appearing. So I presume that it was these emails which 
were failing.

But deleting the messages via "mail d1-4" only makes them 
go away for this boot. It does not prevent them from 
appearing again at the next boot. 

So my 3rd  question is: How do I satisfy the machine that 
it need not remind me further, so that I stop getting 
these  emails at every reboot? 

Gan Starling
Kalamazoo MI USA


To paraphrase Hitler... 
"Who remembers the Amalekites? 
...or the people of Nob?"

Ref: Holy Bible (NIV) 1 Samuel 15:3
and 1 Samuel 22:19 ...holocausts 
where none survived, celebrated in 
holy writ. Why?