Subject: Re: policy base routing
To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?yuksel_em=FDnoglu?= <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/31/2001 08:50:19
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, yuksel em=FDnoglu wrote:
> As for policy base routing :I have 2 data lines but one of them has a
> firewall and I can use only 80 and 21th port so I can not use telnet,news
> etc.. and other data hat allows me to use all of this service so I want t=
> make a firewaal and router box with NetBSD and whan a machine wants 80 or
> 21th port it must use first data line and for others telnet , usnet it
> should use seccond data line
Sounds hard!
Routing goes naturally by destination IP, so if, for example, your
organization provides a web proxy, you can set a single route to the
proxy while leaving your default route (for all other traffic) set to
the other interface. If they don't provide one, you could set one up
(on another machine, on the segment with the firewall).