Subject: pkg_delete not complete
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/04/2001 11:02:21
WHAT I ATTEMPTED: Tried to pkg_add KDE 2.x over ftp 

...without success. Only some very few things installed, 
not enough for KDE 2.x. (I have entered that command so 
many times I have memorized the URL -- I am giving up on 
FTP install from now on).

WHAT HAPPENED: Got a whole lot of "add of dependency 
failed" and other failures. Only some very few things 
installed. Not enough to run KDE 2.x. (Which gives me to 
wonder where are they if not in the directory "All"?)

WHAT I NEED: So now I want to install KDE 1.x instead. 
Have truly ALL the dependencies on cdrom, as have done 
before on a laptop from the Wasabi disks. But it happens 
that the some few things that did install are newer 
dependencies than KDE 1.x needs. So I get "resolve this 
conflict" from pkg_add.

So I pkg_delete on those packages. But pkg_delete does 
not fully delete. So I still can't pkg_add. And further, 
pkg_info reports that the package that didn't fully 
delete is not installed. 

So it looks like I'm stuck. Am getting very, very 
frustrated with NetBSD. Except for the time already 
invested, I would most likely give up on it. Damn near 
everything I attempt to do is thwarted in some oblique 
(and often seemingly undocumented) fashion. If it weren't 
for the new NetBSD 1.5.2 complete CDROM set from Wasabi 
Systems being due out soon, I swear that I would give up 
on NetBSD. 

I have spent the whole damn weekend and got practically 
nothing to show for my time. If, after I get the new 
multi-CD set from Wasabi, I still have these kinds of 
major difficulties...then I WILL give up on NetBSD, and 
switch over to FreeBSD, or maybe Linux. At least those 
OS's have got a book that I could go out and buy.



Mysterious Starling -- Rarest Extinct Bird
   <(+)__        Gan Uesli Starling 
     ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA