Subject: IRQ conflict
To: None <>
From: Kaushik N <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/11/2001 18:09:29
Hi=0D=0AI am trying to do a tip on one of the serial ports COM1. Initially,=
I was getting error messages that /dev/tty01 is down. I then enabled the s=
erial ports on BIOS and now the Ethernet is giving time out error messages.=
=0D=0A/netbsd : we0 device timeout=0D=0AI guess it is because both the Eth=
ernet and the serial port are trying to use the same interrupt 3. While boo=
ting, there is a log which says =0D=0A/netbsd: we0: overriding IRQ 9 to 3.=
=0D=0A Is there any way of making both of them work at the same time?=0D=0A=
=0D=0AThanks=0D=0AKaushik=0D=0A=0D=0A =0A