Subject: Re: MTA Problems
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Isaac Hillier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/12/2001 12:40:09
on 10/11/01 2:38 PM, Jeremy C. Reed at wrote:
> Sounds like your sendmail is configured to think that is
> local.
> Since, I don't know how you have your system configured, try:
> grep '' /etc/mail/*
I tried this, isn't mentioned in here anywhere. I tried the
internal and external addresses of just for the hell of it, and
no result.
Are things like this normally stored in a file that follows this format: RELAY
(Called access(.db) in my case (Sendmail Version 8.9.3+3.2W).)
> Also, it is important to always look at the logs to help troubleshoot:
> grep '' /var/log/maillog
> Then when you find the ID then grep for it too.
> What does this tell you?
That it's using local as the relay, rather than's MX.
> Jeremy C. Reed
Since it doesn't look like anyone has told sendmail to handle's
mail, I'll take a shot in the dark. Is it possible that this might be the
result of a poorly configured nameserver? I'm on shaky ground here
knowledge-wise, but I've checked the internal and external records for
domain2, and the numbers are fine, host resolves the MX for domain2 fine
from domain1. I've got a vague feeling that it might be appending something
to an unqualified (not ending in a . ?) domain.
Out of curiosity... what are the "CP." and "CPREDIRECT" ?variables? in Looks like I'll be needing an Sendmail book.
Thanks for the assistance, I managed to learn a couple more things from this
situation. Not enough apparently, but... :)