Subject: Re: xwpe
To: Florian =?iso-8859-1?q?St=F6hr?= <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/15/2001 00:08:02
>>>>> "Florian" == Florian Stöhr <> writes:
Florian> has anyone here yet compiled xwpe on NetBSD? how?
I don't directly answer to your question but xwpe is in the OpenBSD
and FreeBSD ports collections (editors for Open, devel for Free). Have
you checked in the NetBSD mailing lists archives?
If this work is not already done by some package project, if i had
to build xwpe on NetBSD, and if the traditionnal "configure-make"
process failed, then i would take a look at the 3 patches of these
ports (they don't seem very complex) and to their Makefiles.
Then, last but not least, i would try to package xwpe for NetBSD and i
would submit my work (see Section 8.6 of the NetBSD Guide).
Hope this helps,
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1306540564 secondes