Subject: Re: MTA Problems
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/15/2001 17:02:34
> echo test | /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail -d8 -d10 -d11 -d13.10 \
> -d13.29 -d15 -d16 -d18 -d42.2 -d99.100 -v
8(.1) - show dns resolver errors
10(.1) - show recipient by recipient delivery
11(.1) - trace mailer usage
13.10 - (redundant, given the next one) show envelope delivery information
13.29 - print a message when done
15(.1) - show smtp server socket information
18(.1) - show smtp replies
99.100 - don't drop into the background
all in all, a nice set, even if some of them don't completly apply to
this situation.
>(Note that the -d numbers are quite confusing and poorly documented.)
there's about 100 pages in the o'reilly sendmail book, which is agood
book to have. i understand that not everyone feels like buying it. :)
>> Out of curiosity... what are the "CP." and "CPREDIRECT" ?variables? in
>> Looks like I'll be needing an Sendmail book.
>I am not sure about CP. I believe CPREDIRECT is used for sending a 551
>message that indicates the new address to try.
those are declarations for class P. addresses that end in class P are
considered fully qualified and sendmail doesn't try to add on a domain
name to fully qualify it.
the REDIRECT stuff is indeed for sending 551 messages. it's supposed
to be an easy way for you to tell people that someone has moved on.
you put an entry like:
and sendmail, when processing mail addresses to will
respond with "User has moved; please try <>".
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."