Subject: Gnu Make
To: None <>
From: Morten Owen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/30/2001 12:56:06
Hello everyone,
I am a newbie to NetBSD, and am having some, I guess, rookie problems. I
have a program that I have been running under Sun OS and Linux. Now that I
need to take it on to NetBSD, I am facing problems. The makefile will not
compile. I am such an programming illiterate. I am getting the error
"Makefile", line 11: Need an operator.
(also other lines than 11)
I am guessing this means that it needs gnu make to compile.
I am therefore trying to find, download and compile gnu make for netbsd
version 1.4.1 on the i386 platform. When I look for it on the netbsd
homepage ( ),
I can see precompiled versions of gmake for other versions of NetBSD, and
1.4.1 version for other platforms. I have tried to find the source code
for it, but to no avail. I am guessing it is gmake-3.77 I am supposed to
download, but I can not find it anywhere.
Note: It is not possible for me to upgrade to other versions of NetBSD,
because I am using software designed for NetBSD 1.4.1, and an upgrade of
it is not in my hands.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Morten Owen