Subject: Re: vi recovery program
To: None <,>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/08/2001 08:17:05
--- Jon <> wrote:
> anyone know how to turn off the vi recovery program
> in netbsd 1.5.2???
> I don't even use vi and when I edit a file in pico
> it sends me a load of mail messages on boot!
Go to /var/tmp/vi.recover/ and delete all the files in
Seriously, you need to lay down and start an IV with
equal parts Jack Daniels and Coke. Then read the
NetBSD guide, the FreeBSD handbook, the OpenBSD FAQ,
and Essential System Administration from beginning to
end. All of them. Then before asking anything on here,
go to (or whatever it's called now), and
search on your question before posting. I'm not saying
people don't want to help here, but there's a plethora
of info out there that is easily searchable and it
will save everyone time.
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