Subject: Re: expat and apache 1.3
To: None <>
From: Masao Uebayashi <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/09/2001 14:33:39
> Is it possible that Apache 1.3.22 says it depends on expat 1.95.2 but
> in fact uses 1.95.1? And it works on your machine because you also
This should not occur in Pkgsrc, AFAIK.
> have 1.95.1 installed? Or am I just totally misunderstanding how
> these things work?
I have only 1.95.2 installed.
As to understanding how things work, it is not easy. Don't mind. ;)
--- \||v,
A Fish Lover, / \<
Masao Uebayashi ((.), |
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