Subject: Re: how do I
To: DJ M <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/12/2002 18:53:11
--- DJ M <> wrote:
> set the time and date for my i386 machine so it
> shows the correct
> local time? I'm a greenhorn at this so please make
> it as simple
> as possible, I'm still scared of vi.
Ok, I'm going to assume you don't need a vi tutor...
There are 2 things that need to be right.
1. Your /etc/localtime has to be linked to the proper
file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. For
instance, I'm in Arizona so I would do this:
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix
Wherever you are in the world, there should be a close
enough place to use.
2. Assuming the clock in your bios is set to local
time, you need to recompile the kernel with an option
set correctly. NetBSD assumes you live on the GMT
line. While some people actually do (jolly good mate),
most don't. I live 7 hours west of GMT, which is 420
minutes. Here's the option in the kernel config:
options RTC_OFFSET=420
Then you need to recompile your kernel. I'm not going
to go into that because it is documented plenty good
in the manual (and so is this really, but I figured
I'd explain anyway).
To bypass step 2, set your bios to GMT. Then if you
really want to get your time right, look into ntp.
This is also explained in the manual. It queries a
server that has the correct time and sets your box
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