Subject: directory names with spaces don't behave, perhaps a tcsh issue?
To: None <>
From: Zach Fine <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/26/2002 08:06:18
I should probably know better than to create a directory whose name
includes a space, but even if I do such a thing, shouldn't I be able
to cd into and out of it? 

zach% pwd
/usr/local/share/httpd/htdocs/zachfine/rambo/rambo III/bow
zach% cd
set: Syntax Error.
zach% cd ..
set: Syntax Error.
zach% cd ".."
set: Syntax Error.
zach% cd /home/czyz
set: Syntax Error.
zach% cd "/home/czyz"
set: Syntax Error.

This is on a NetBSD 1.4.1 system, I'm using tcsh.

Any thoughts?


-Zach Fine