Subject: Re: netbsd firewall - lagging gameplay...
To: None <>
From: Greg MATTHEWS <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/12/2002 10:43:23
i've just had exactly the same problem on a debian adsl firewall and it turned 
out to be a slightly misconfig'ed dns server. dns requests were timing out due 
to slight mistake in the db files.

are you running dns on the new box? if so it would probably be better off on 
the eth1 segment anyway.


> Hello,
> I've finally made the plung and set up a netbsd firewall
> for my home network. I've been using redhat and debian linux 
> for a few years but a friend of mine convinced me that
> using netbsd as my firewall would be a good idea.
> So, with his help I set it up like so:
> --------
> | adsl |
> |modem |
> --------
>    |
>    | 
>    |eth0
> ----------
> | netbsd |  eth1    |--web server
> |  box   |----------|
> ----------          |--file server
>    |                |
>    | eth2           |--game server
>    |
>    |
>  ------------------
>  |     |     |    |
>  |     |     |    |
>   windows machines
> I set up NAT to port forward to the servers.
> Now, the problem that I'm running into is that when I try
> to play a Starcraft game on battle net from one of
> the windows machines any games that I try to connect
> to with more than two people (including me) become so
> laggy that I can't play any more. This worked before I
> installed the netbsd box (I used to use a linksys router
> and before that a redhat box) so it must be something
> that I have misconfigured but I can't figure out
> what it could be so any help would be great.
> Any other information needed to diagnose this problem?
> It's running on a dual P100 with 128 megs of ram. The 
> ethernet cards are an SMC (can't remember the chipset 
> as I'm writting this) to connect to the ADSL line and
> two 3C905b cards to connect to the internal networks.
> thx,
> james
> -- 
>  Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for  
>  they shall never cease to be amused.