Subject: Re: KDE3 make install error
To: None <>
From: Joe Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/05/2002 09:35:20
.. note this thread moved to tech_pkg. please send all replies there ...
after some further inspection, there is a line in
why is that there? this is the directory which contains the code for doesn't that lib need to be compiled and installed (that's
why kabc doesn't compile!)
Joe Reed writes:
> when i do a 'make install' of kde3. a shared object, is not
> installed on my system. this causes pkgsrc/kdeutils3 to fail on build,
> and some applications (like kmail) to fail on startup. according to
>, this library should be installed from kdepim, but after looking
> at pkgsrc/misc/kdepim3 i cannot find any reference to this file.
> what do i have to do to get this lib on my system? is this an error on my
> part, or from pkgsrc?
> i'm running netbsd-current 1.6A (i386) 6/3/2002 (kernel and userland)
> thanks in advance for the help!
> --joe