Subject: How to setup Net/OpenBSD CVSup mirror?
To: None <>
From: Eugene Panchenko <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/11/2002 20:09:15
I was able to get local CVS repository of NetBSD, and like to ditributed collections to public via CVSup (which is already used for FreeBSD). However, I do not see how I get sup/ directory contents (that is, what distrib/self line in FreeBSD's supfile is for), thetefore, I have CVS but cvsupd doesnt know anything about NetBSD collections.
This is line as I suppose sais it all about available collections for FreeBSD _only_:
distrib release=self prefix=prefixes/distrib.self
Tell me please, how to patch my NetBSD supfile:
*default delete use-rel-suffix umask=022 compress
netbsd release=cvs prefix=prefixes/NetBSD.cvs
so it populates sup/ dir (where collections are stored as dirs) for NetBSD collections as well???
Thank you.
P.S. I plan to do that same thing for OpenBSD, thus this mail will be forwarded to their maillist to.
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